April 28, 2021
A week of intermittent attempts at JT-8 on my ham radio failed to make any contacts. Not a single one.
January 26, 2016
I drove two hours west from Phoenix last Saturday to Quartzite, Arizona for the swapfest at the end of 2016’s week long Quartzfest. The pickings were slim, however, and I came away empty handed.
July 29, 2015
Ok, Ok, you’re right. It’s a new toy and I wanted to show it off. You’re absolutely right. But I learned some things and can do better on my next wire antenna.
February 14, 2010
One of my passions is experimenting with antennas, wire antennas for HF to be precise. I want to be able to improvise and adapt to the situation at hand whether I’m at home, traveling on business, or hiking in the desert or deep forest.
November 27, 2009
… is for younger men.
Regardless, the 40M and 20M dipoles are now installed in the attic. I left a little slippage so that, hopefully, tuning of arm lengths can be done at the feed point – I sure don’t want to crawl out to the end points again. [Phew!]
November 24, 2009
My wife and I live in Phoenix Arizona. Our house is situated on a nearly square 1960-sized residential lot. I mention the year because city lots have shrunk in the past couple of years and our 100x105 foot property might seem large in some areas these days.