July 26, 2008
My work has me on the road a lot and, when possible, I try to get in some range time. Here are the clubs and ranges I’ve visited, both here in Phoenix and while traveling.
July 21, 2008
The Newport (Rhode Island) Rifle Club has “Rapid Fire” and “Fun Shoot” events on Monday and Wednesday evenings at their indoor 50’ range. These events are Bob King’s doings and, largely if not completely because of his enthusiasm and twice-a-week support, they are quite a success.
May 25, 2007
I travel for a living. My job often sends me out on a Monday and home again on Friday but sometimes there’s a Sunday “out” or a Saturday “back” day. As such, it’s difficult for me to shoot the Tuesday evening Nighthawks here in Phoenix. Worse, I often miss the once-a-month 2700s on Sundays when an outbound leg starts with a mid-afternoon flight.