International Pistol

Earlier this week I reloaded all the 45 ACP wadcutter ammo I’ll need (and then some) for this week’s Desert Midwinter 2014 competition.

While this is easy to deal with in a competition – you have two hours for 60 shots plus your sighters, usually 10 or 20 – it’s distracting; it breaks my concentration. So I’d like to fix it.

I recently discovered a very simple aid to Dueling Fire. My scores took an immediate jump of 5-6 points and, even better, I started enjoying it.


October 10, 2012

But neither of these is how it started.

The athlete that will represent the United States on Free Pistol at the London Olympic games is being decided this weekend in Fort Benning Georgia.

So far.

But they say they’re like Accidental Discharges: If you haven’t had one yet, just wait.

Hot? Did someone say it’s hot in Arizona? And at the end of September?

Wow, what a turnout! We had a total of ten (10) shooters last night for the Nighthawks weekly event at the Phoenix Rod and Gun Club in spite of the unseasonal heat. That included three beginners and one out-of-state visitor. (Beginners and visitors is how the ranks will be built up. They are always welcome!)

It’s “traditional Bullseye 900” this coming week (Tuesday, June 1, 2010) at Nighthawks in Phoenix Arizona. Shoot any handgun (no magnums, please – range rules) and one- or two-handed as you prefer. Bring 100 rounds, more if you come early and want to practice before the match that begins at 6:30PM.


March 23, 2010

I occasionally take non-shooters to the range for their first experience with firearms. Over time, I’ve tended toward a similar sequence of presenting things but knowing the Bullseye community’s safety record, I decided to ask for their input as well. The following procedure benefits from the excellent suggestions of Fred, JC, Chuck, Sheral, Kent and George in the Bullseye-L email community, and from the shooters I meet on the line from whom I’ve learned many valuable and sometimes life-saving lessons.

History began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from (2004-present).

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