December 11, 2012

It manifests itself in many ways but the root cause is western culture’s profit-focused determination that forms the core of most of our lives. That desire to be better, to make more profit, to beat the other guy, is why products based on closed source efforts will always beat those based on open source.
November 20, 2012
June 24, 2012

My Raspberry Pi should arrive tomorrow. It is a credit card-size computer running Linux.
February 10, 2012
December 22, 2011

Open Source
Basically it means that the item, commonly a piece of software, is usually available in source code form, you can get a copy, read it, and modify it. It also says that, if you change it, you must also make those changes available to anyone and that you must do so without charging them anything.
March 24, 2010
Once upon a time, there were three RTOSes named VRTX, pSOS and VxWorks.
September 6, 2008
A holiday, an extra “sick” [of work] day, two days of “office” and one to figure out some demos for a web-based class, that was my week.