

July 2, 2008

Carl Sagan, in his Cosmos television series about the universe said, “We are star-stuff.” He meant that the atoms that make up our bodies were generated in the nuclear furnaces of stars and that, over billions of years, those stars exploded, cast their products out, and those parts were captured into new stellar systems. In our case, those atoms coalesced into our Sun and planets and, on at least one of those, life arose and through a long series of evolutionary steps, you came into existence.

Scientists are undecided.

Some say the universe is open-ended, that it will expand forever, and that entropy will ultimately win. Others say it is cyclic, that it started, and will end, with a bang.

In a friend’s blog and in response to an on-going exchange about living in the USA versus elsewhere (see the replies to his [Thursday, Nov. 29, 2007][1] entry), I made the following comment:


November 9, 2007

Guidelines from above:

  1. Master what you can.
  2. Help each other.
  3. Try not to hurt anyone.
  4. Accept.

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